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SFH Kinetic Massage-Certification Program

SFH – Edmonton (Hungarian Hall)
Wed – Fri Sep 18–20 9am – 5pm
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Mara Boaru
Mara Boaru, PT, BScPT, RMT
Creator and instructor of SFH Intraoral TMJ with Precision and SFH Orthopedic Massage certification programs, Mara provides superior instruction, explaining distinct specifics of finger placement, to effect the best treatment results.

SFH Kinetic Massage: Improve Mobility and Alleviate Joint Pain!

What do Clients who received Kinetic Massage have to say:

“Finally a way that targeted my neck complaint, I felt that it was just what I needed to heal from my accident.”


“ I have never had a treatment laying on my side, it was amazing”


“ This feels like a missing element to my chronic hip pain, after 3 sessions I feel so much better and can move without worrying.”


“ I have suffered low-back pain and headaches for years. I feel validated with the movement treatment (kinetic). This creates a longer-lasting effect I have ever had.”

– Alex

“Prior to my right hip replacement surgery, I received weekly massages for four months. During these sessions, the massage therapist consistently included Kinetic Massage techniques. I cannot emphasize enough the tremendous benefits I experienced from this approach. It significantly aided in pain management, preserved my mobility, alleviated muscle tension, and greatly improved my sleep quality at night.”


Incorporate Kinetic Massage into your practice.

By incorporating SFH Kinetic Massage into your practice, you can revolutionize the way you address joint-related issues. This approach offers unique advantages, allowing you to effectively treat joint pain and mobility concerns without the need for clients to undress or the use of oils or gels. Through a focus on finding the optimal joint position and muscle length, you can provide your clients with optimal pain relief. By combining joint positioning with soft tissue manipulations, you can achieve long-lasting results that promote improved joint function. Additionally, adopting better body mechanics not only benefits your clients but also increases the longevity of your career. With SFH Kinetic Massage, you’ll see a significant enhancement in your client’s response to treatment and their overall joint functional mobility. Experience the power of this technique and unlock new possibilities for your massage therapy practice.

Discover the Advantages of SFH Kinetic Massage

  • Address joint pain and mobility issues without needing to undress or use oils or gels.
  • Emphasize finding the ideal joint position and muscle length for optimal pain relief.
  • Achieve long-lasting results by combining joint positioning and soft tissue manipulations.
  • Increase the longevity of your career by adopting better body mechanics.
  • Experience a technique similar to manual osteopathy, providing a comprehensive approach to client care.
  • Significantly improve your client’s response to treatment.
  • Enhance your clients’ joint functional mobility.

Specifics of each SFH Kinetic Massage course

Kinetic Massage of the Neck:

By adopting a more dynamic approach to neck treatment, you can provide your clients with the desired results they seek. The Kinetic Massage of the Neck course utilizes active massage techniques that incorporate joint movements and muscle positioning to enhance the therapeutic experience. This course covers the anatomy of the neck, manipulation of both the upper and lower cervical spine, and demonstration of techniques in supine, prone and side-lying positions. Specific muscles will be targeted to provide customized therapy during this Kinetic Massage approach, making it an ideal technique for treating various neck conditions such as muscle dysfunction, neurovascular compression, and joint restrictions.

Kinetic Massage of the Shoulder

Master the complexity of the shoulder region with the effective Kinetic Massage approach. Gain insight into the connection between each muscle and its impact on the shoulder joint, shoulder girdle, and T or C spine. Learn techniques to release the scapula by targeting the thoracic cage muscles with specific positions. Through thorough work on specific muscles, enhance the freedom of movement in the shoulder and neck region. Attain and sustain chest and thoracic cage openings to further improve shoulder mobility. Become a specialist in the high-demand body region – the shoulder – with this comprehensive course.

Kinetic Massage of the Hip:

Many people suffer from constant pain and require relief. Research indicates that the hip joint is the quickest aging joint in the body. Chronic sitting is a prevalent problem and can be as harmful as smoking to one’s physical well-being. The Kinetic Massage Technique is a solution that can provide relief and reduce stiffness. Restore hip mobility by learning soft tissue release techniques that decompress the hip joint, enhance joint lubrication, and improve mobility. Give years of health to that rapidly aging joint with Kinetic Massage of the hip.

Take satisfaction in knowing that you can make a significant difference with Kinetic Massage.

SFH Certification Requirements

  1. Students must be present for the whole duration of the course length to become certified.  
  2. Students must participate and safely execute all hands-on components of the course.  
  3. Students must pass the final written exam. 

Although taking the exam is not mandatory to obtain credits from your association, certain insurance companies may insist on it as a prerequisite for covering your practice in this therapy. As a result, it’s recommended that you verify with your insurance provider to determine their criteria.

Exam: Within three days of course completion, Seminars for Health will send students an email with a link to access the online exam. You will have 14 days of access to complete your exam, starting when you sign up. Upon passing (>70%),  log in to your online account to obtain your certificate. To view the digital certificate, navigate to your online account.

Remember to submit your certificates to your association to receive credit.

Benefits of Being an SFH Certified Therapist

It demonstrates your comprehension of the course material to a level where the certifying body is assured that you can safely integrate their teachings into your professional practice.

Certain insurance companies may insist you write an exam and be certified as a prerequisite for covering your practice in this therapy.

Being certified gives you confidence that you understand the material to put it into your practice safely.

By obtaining certification, you can confidently advertise to your clients that you are officially SFH certified.

Acquiring certification boosts your level of expertise among colleagues in your profession.

What Distinguishes “proof of attendance” from “Certification”?

Upon completion of our courses, students receive “proof of attendance”, which entitles them to the designated credits approved by their association. There’s no need to take an exam to get continued education credits.

In contrast, students have the option to obtain certification by passing our exam. Upon passing all required exams, they’ll receive an SFH certificate that acknowledges they have met all the requirements to become a “Certified Therapist.” Some insurance companies do require certification for coverage.  It is recommended that you verify with your insurance provider to determine their criteria.  

Looking for CEUS Only

If you’re solely interested in obtaining CEUs, attending the class will suffice as you’ll be granted credits and digital evidence of attendance.

Canada-Alberta Job Grant

This program offers eligible employers the opportunity to receive government funding for continuing education training for their Massage Therapist employees. The program covers 2/3 of the training cost for any of our courses that are 3 days long, with the remaining 1/3 of the course cost paid by the therapist’s employer. Business owners, including those who are incorporated, unincorporated, sole proprietors, and partnerships, with four or fewer employees, including all owners, are eligible for this funding. Don’t miss this chance to save on some of our most popular courses.

Eligible courses: Minimum of one course or many courses added hours to 21 hrs.

SFH Orthopedic Massage (34.5 hrs)

SFH Kinetic Massage (21 hrs)

SFH Oncology Massage (31 hrs)

Examples of combination:

SFH Dynamic Cupping (14 hrs) and SFH Intraoral TMJ (14 hrs)

SFH Dynamic Cupping (14 hrs) and Kinetic Massage of the neck (7hrs)


Click the links below to find out more!

Canada-Alberta Job Grant | Alberta.ca

Canada Alberta Job Grant Applicant Guide

Who qualifies to take this course?

The following professionals are eligible to take the course as a prerequisite:

Massage Therapists, Kinesiologists, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Athletic Therapists, Nurses, and Osteopaths. Second-year Massage Therapy students who have completed Pathology are also welcome to join.

Copyright Policy 

This course includes confidential information that cannot be used without the express consent of Seminars for Health. This includes any paraphrasing or modified versions of the material. Canadian copyright laws safeguard all Seminars for Health content, and Seminars for Health retains the right to take legal action against any illegal distribution or presentation of the aforementioned items.

© 2022 Seminars for Health Inc., All rights reserved

Class times

Wed – Fri Sep 18–20 9am – 5pm
Class Categories:
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What to bring

  • 1 set of sheets
  • 1 pillow
  • 1 large and small towels
  • Unscented Oil / Lotion / Gel


RMQ 21
ANQ 21
Australia: ATMS 21


SFH – Edmonton (Hungarian Hall)
12847 68st
Edmonton, Alberta T5C 0E6 Canada
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Seminars for Health continues to provide quality professional development courses – I really appreciate how they update their courses to reflect the changing science in the field of bodywork.

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