Become Certified as an SFH Intraoral TMJ Therapist
Are you looking to upgrade your career as a therapist? If yes, we have brought you the exclusive SFH Intraoral TMJ course to align your career with the new and advanced mechanisms of temporomandibular joint treatment. We have handcrafted this course content for in-depth learning exposure. Click now to enroll.
Day 1- Intraoral TMJ with Precision Level 1
Learn a respectful way to treat the temporomandibular joint INTRAORALLY.
Become confident and expand your practice — great referral opportunities with this growing demand.
Offer a new and specialized service to your clients.
Gain precision and a solid foundation by reviewing the anatomy and mechanics of the jaw.
Learn to palpate the challenging soft tissue and joint components to ensure correct treatment.
Learn the factors involved in various pathologies and evaluation strategies.
Incorporate the new techniques into your practice and access this niche clientele.
Day 2- Intraoral TMJ with Precision Level 2
Review advanced regional anatomy, joint mechanics, and the jaw and cervical spine relationship.
Learn new hands-on techniques for muscles of mastication, anterior neck (supra and infrahyoid), and joint structures.
Take your assessment skill to a new level as time is allocated to assess and review case studies.
Gain expertise and offer a new and specialized service to your clients.
Advance your palpation skills to identify challenging soft tissue and joint components confidently.
Learn the factors involved in various pathologies and evaluation strategies.
Gain comfort and confidence with lots of hands-on practice
SFH Certification Requirements
- Students must be present for the whole duration of the course length to become certified.
- Students must participate and safely execute all hands-on components of the course.
- Students must pass the final written exam.
- Students must assess three patients and provide two treatments per patient (120 days to complete)
- Students must submit filled-out forms to the instructor. The instructor will provide you with instruction during class.
Although taking the exam is not mandatory to obtain credits from your association, certain insurance companies may insist on it as a prerequisite for covering your practice in this therapy. As a result, it’s recommended that you verify with your insurance provider to determine their criteria.
Exam: Within three days of course completion, Seminars for Health will send students an email with a link to access the online exam. You will have 14 days of access to complete your exam, starting when you sign up. Upon passing (>70%), log in to your online account to obtain your certificate. To view the digital certificate, navigate to your online account.
Remember to submit your certificates to your association to receive credit.
Benefits of Being an SFH Certified Therapist
It demonstrates your comprehension of the course material to a level where the certifying body is assured that you can safely integrate their teachings into your professional practice.
Certain insurance companies may insist you write an exam and be certified as a prerequisite for covering your practice in this therapy.
Being certified gives you confidence that you understand the material to put it into your practice safely.
By obtaining certification, you can confidently advertise to your clients that you are officially SFH certified.
Acquiring certification boosts your level of expertise among colleagues in your profession.
What Distinguishes “proof of attendance” from “Certification”?
Upon completion of our courses, students receive “proof of attendance”, which entitles them to the designated credits approved by their association. There’s no need to take an exam for getting continued education credits.
In contrast, students have the option to obtain certification by passing our exam. Upon passing all required exams, they’ll receive an SFH certificate that acknowledges they have met all the necessary requirements to become a “Certified Therapist.” Some insurance companies do require certification for coverage. It is recommended that you verify with your insurance provider to determine their criteria.
Looking for CEUS Only
If you’re solely interested in obtaining CEUs, attending the class will suffice as you’ll be granted credits and digital evidence of attendance.
Who Qualifies to Take this Course?
Prerequisite: Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Dental Hygienists, Athletic Therapists, Nurses, and Osteopaths.
2nd Year Massage Therapy students who have completed Pathology are welcome.
Copyright Policy
This course contains proprietary information. None of the material in this course may be used without the explicit consent of Seminars for Health, including paraphrasing or altered versions. Canadian copyright laws protect all Seminars for Health content. In addition, Seminars for Health reserves the right to pursue legal action against any illegal distributions or presentations of any items listed above.
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