TOP 10 REASONS to PROVIDE Orthopedic Massage to the Forearm, Wrist and Hand
March 1, 2018 12:51 pm- Muscle imbalances and premature wear-and-tear of the joints could lead to nerve compression.
- Provide treatment and bring awareness to unknown potential conditions before it becomes problematic.
- Profound results take little time when providing a direct OM approach developed by Linda Hoppe.
- Treat using a specific protocol that best targets the muscle belly, the tendon, and the musculotendinous junction.
- This is more than just broad strokes. Advanced OM provides precision which is utmost important in this complex area.
- Allow the Muscle Base of this body region to work in your favor. Utilize a 3-D massage method, unique to Seminars for Health.
- Preserve your body, hands, fingers, and thumbs. Orthopedic Massage Therapists utilize proper body mechanics that work with your anatomy.
- Bolstering correctly positions your client for the best OM treatment that preserves your body mechanics.
- Old injuries are stubborn to heal in this area entirely. Clients often live through ailments and old scar tissue that could interfere with optimal well-being; creating an environment for potential future conditions.
- Demands on our hands are higher now than ever and prevalent amongst many professions. There is an abundance of repetitive strain that requires therapeutic care.
- electronic devices
- servers
- hair stylists
- heavy labor
- estheticians
- athletics – recreational & professional
- students of all ages
- massage therapists
Receive a full-bi-lateral Forearm, Wrist and Hand treatment within this course.
Rise above to provide the best and most precise treatment. Click HERE to learn more.
Categorised in: Certification, Orthopedic Massage general
This post was written by SeminarsforHealth
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