Explore the fascinating relationships between neuroplasticity and chronic pain.
Learn how to provide effective care and coaching for clients with chronic pain conditions such as low back pain, neck pain & cervicogenic headaches, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis.
Many of us have clients who live in pain every day. Massage and other modalities may help their symptoms temporarily but as therapists we often fall into the trap of trying to “cure pain” by focusing on treating the tissues. Our clients may see dozens of clinicians in an attempt to find the “problem.” They may undergo costly and often painful procedures and surgeries with minimal change to their pain. Many of these clients become frustrated and hopeless as they are told that their pain is “in their head” or that they will have to live with pain for the rest of their lives
How your clients can benefit from Transforming Pain with Neuroplasticity ?
New paradigms in pain science tell us that chronic pain is a result of sensitization of the sympathetic nervous system – the “fight or flight response.” A growing body of research indicates that in order to treat chronic pain we need to focus on the nervous system to break the cycle of chronic stress. Current treatments focus on principles of neuroplasticity to “re-wire” the nervous system in order to change the pain experience.
Course Outcomes
Have a thorough understanding of the neurophysiology of pain and how this relates to your clients’ experience of pain.
Understand how stress & lifestyle factors contribute to negative neuroplasticity and increased pain.
Confidently differentiate between musculoskeletal pain and chronic pain related to sensitization of the nervous system.
Understand evidence-based treatment approaches for chronic pain conditions.
Engage clients in developing positive neuroplasticity through self-care, mindfulness and novel activity.
Confidently coach clients to engage in positive lifestyle changes with regards to sleep, nutrition, stress management and pacing.
Use effective communication strategies:
Learn how the language we use shapes our clients’ beliefs and expectations.
Learn how to “explain pain” in order to engage clients in a more holistic treatment plan.
Practice motivational interviewing techniques to help clients make positive changes.
Develop strategies for communicating with other health care providers in order to advocate for your clients.
Have a practical approach to help your clients down-regulate their “fight or flight” response with:
Mindfulness techniques
Movement practices such as yoga & Qi Gong
Breathing exercises
Laughter therapy