One step closer to provide pain relief with Kinetic Massage of the Shoulder. The joint that needs to move.
Do you want to treat not only the muscles but the joints of the shoulder region?
Kinetic Massage courses are about getting your clients to move the way their bodies were intended to, all while preserving your own body mechanics. By understanding anatomy and correct positioning, your clients will return with the confidence that they are secure and achieving results.
To enhance your clients’ therapeutic experience, Kinetic Massage provides you with an active technique using both joint movements and massage strokes. Kinetic Massage of the Shoulder course consists of massaging with very precise movements to target the muscle and so the joints. It incorporates specific massage strokes with dynamic joint movement. This is an excellent advanced approach with proven results that your clients will strongly benefit from.
There will be a review of the shoulder region's anatomy, followed by a demonstration in prone, supine and side-lying positions. Specific muscles will be targeted for very precise therapy. These techniques are optimal for treating stubborn pathologies such as rotator cuff injuries and thoracic outlet syndrome.
You will never look at or treat the shoulder the same way again. Your clients will be pleased with the results.
Join us, your clients WILL feel the difference.
One course closer to completing your Certification in kinetic Massage
Advantages of taking this self-paced e-learning online course
Good use of your time. Learn at your own pace and when it is the most conducive to learning. There is no need to give up a sacred weekend or lose work attending a workshop. Learn around your commitment and social schedule.
Cost-effectiveness: You can save on traveling and accommodation costs, and there is no need to take some days off work, lose income and pay for a babysitter as you can attend the course whenever it is the most convenient for me.
Information overload: You can learn so much in a traditional weekend workshop and not retain most of it. Learning online allows me time and repetition until you are ready to learn the next chapter. Do you want to be certified in SFH Dynamic cupping?
You need CEU credits.
Upon online class Completion:
You will receive an electronic proof of completion.
You will receive an official certification once you provide a video assignment.
For online classes, you will need to submit your certificate to your association directly.
Become a Kinetic Massage Therapist
Kinetic Massage of the Hip
Kinetic Massage of the Neck
Kinetic Massage of the Shoulder
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This course contains proprietary information. None of the material contained within this course may be used without Seminars' explicit consent for Health. Including paraphrasing or altered versions. Canadian copyright laws protect all Seminars for Health content. Seminars for Health reserves the right to pursue legal action towards any illegal distributions or presentations of any of the items listed above.